How Long Does Hummingbird Nectar Last?

Hummingbirds are truly magnificent creatures.

If you have hummingbirds around your area install a hummingbird nectar feeder to provide these tiny creatures additional sustenance during nesting and migration seasons.

Hummingbird feeders need frequent upkeep and monitoring. Nectar is harder to take care of than bird feed and water, but it is a hummingbird’s favorite food!

We will now explore how well nectar fairs in hummingbird feeders and how long it can last. We will also offer tips for a hummingbird-friendly feeding experience.

How Frequently to Change the Nectar in a Hummingbird Feeder?

How long the nectar remains fresh depends on various factors such as the number of hummingbirds that visit, the size of the feeder, and the weather of the area.

Kaytee 100506148 Ready to Use Hummingbird ElectroNectar, 64 Ounces, Clear

If hummingbirds visit a feeder frequently in a warm area, the nectar may ferment quickly. It may require a refill almost daily.

If only a few hummingbirds visit your feeder, change the nectar every 5-7 days, even if you don’t notice any signs of contamination.

On hot summer days, nectar will not remain fresh for more than 2-3 days before becoming extremely toxic for hummingbirds.

There is no perfect formula or exact date that tells you if it is time to change the nectar. Just carefully read general guidelines and trust your judgment and observations.

Pay attention to the weather. You can even turn on weather updates on your phone so that you are reminded of refilling the feeder on hotter days.

Make sure that you check your feeders every day.

Remember that hummingbirds dislike old and gross nectar. They will quickly find a new food source. So you must work hard to keep it once you have earned their trust!

Factors That Can Spoil Hummingbird Nectar

Nectar quickly becomes contaminated and spoils easily, even during the winter months.

Here are some of the reasons why nectar may spoil quickly:

Bacteria and Fungus

People often don’t realize that hummingbird nectar begins to ferment once you place it outside. It spoils even quicker when it becomes contaminated.

The smallest fleck of bacteria or fungus in the feeder’s reservoir or ports can contaminate the nectar completely.

The bacteria and fungus may enter from the bill of a sipping hummingbird or an insect or bug that has found its way into the feeder.

Remember that the nectar gets contaminated when a hummingbird takes a sip, even in a clean container.

The fermentation is initially slow. As more hummingbirds visit the feeder, the faster the nectar begins to spoil.

High Temperatures

Hot temperatures lead to the nectar spoiling or fermenting quickly.

If you do not replace it during frequently hotter months, hummingbirds will be put off by the terrible taste.

In fact, they may even never return to the feeder again.

If the feeder is exposed to direct sunlight, the nectar can easily get soiled, and the taste will go sour or bitter.

Bugs or Insects

Unfortunately, just as hummingbirds love nectar, so do numerous bugs. They can get into the nectar through the feeding holes.

Although hummingbirds also like to snack on insects, having the two combined may not be preferable to them.

Insects also cause the nectar to spoil when they fall into it. They are especially attracted to a fermenting feeder even.

What is the Appropriate Size for a Hummingbird Feeder?

As more hummingbirds visit their yards, people often switch to larger nectar feeders with bigger reservoirs.

It may seem like a good idea to fill feeders to the brim, but it’s not.

It increases the chances of the nectar spoiling, which may cause the hummingbirds to get sick..

Larger feeders may seem like they allow for less frequent refills because they hold a larger quantity of nectar.

Although it is convenient for bird keepers, it can be extremely harmful and toxic for hummingbirds if the nectar is not used up quickly.

Tips for Keeping Hummingbird Nectar Fresh

Hummingbirds will visit your feeder more frequently if the nectar is always fresh.

They will keep returning once they get used to the source of nectar. Hummingbird nectar can go bad.

However, understanding what spoils nectar, you can take appropriate to make it last for longer.

Here are some tips for keeping the nectar fresh for hummingbirds:

Change The Nectar Frequently

If changing the nectar daily is not possible for you, remember to change it every 3 to 5 days.

If you are experiencing high temperatures or if the feeder is under the sun, you may need to change the nectar more frequently.

A good way to tell whether the nectar needs changing is to see if it’s is cloudy or if you see black spots.

Clean The Feeder

Every time you replace the nectar in the feeder, be sure to give it a thorough cleaning.

Properly sterilize feeders every time you refill them by immersing them in boiling water. Also, clean out the corners and nooks in the feeder properly.

Failing to do this will allow any mold or bacteria leftover from previous fillings to contaminate the new nectar.

This will lead to the nectar spoiling faster. Do not add fresh nectar to old nectar. Discard any leftover nectar when you change it.

Also read: How To Clean A Bird Feeder?

Hang the Feeder in the Shade

Nectar will go bad faster if you place it in feeders that are exposed to direct sunlight.

Higher temperatures create a favorable environment for bacteria. This allows mold to grow in the nectar.

If you are unable to find a shady place, you can place a rain/shine guard over the feeder.

Also read: Should Hummingbird Feeders Be in Sun or Shade?

If The Nectar is Frequently Leftover, Don’t Fill It Fully

Gauge the amount of nectar the hummingbirds in your garden are using.

Keep that in mind and only fill it to that amount next time you refill the feeder.

You can store excess nectar in the fridge, and it won’t go bad.

Use clean or purified water

Using purified water will allow the nectar to stay fresh for much longer as opposed to using plain old tap water.

It is fine to use tap water if you’re confident the water supply is clean.

Storing Excess Nectar

Instead of buying larger feeders, consider making larger quantities of nectar at a single time.

You can store the excess in the fridge until you need to refill it.

Keeping the nectar in the fridge instead of a large feeder can keep nectar fresh for almost twice as long.

Nectar can last 10-14 days in the fridge but be sure to carefully examine it for any signs of contamination before using it.

You can also consider freezing nectar as it can last even longer that way. In fact, it can last up to 30 days. Make sure that you store the nectar in a sealed container.

Also read: What Do Hummingbirds Eat?

The Consistency of Hummingbird Nectar

The aim here is to mimic the natural nectar present in flowers as closely as possible.

The sucrose to water ratio should be optimum because that is what a hummingbird is used to drinking.

It will fulfill the needs of these tiny birds adequately.

You may think hummingbirds will love the nectar twice as much if it is twice as sweet.

But a higher concentration of nectar will not help because it will no longer resemble the natural nectar found in flowers.

In fact, it will be hard for the little hummingbirds to digest.

Remember that one part sugar and four parts water is a tried and tested recipe numerous hummingbird feeders have used.

Just boil this mixture and let it cool down before filling up the feeders with this sweet juice.

However, it is recommended to use a slightly stronger concentration of the solution during the months when hummingbirds migrate.

You can use the nectar to provide some extra energy to the birds for a long journey ahead. Don’t go overboard!

Also read: How to Keep Hummingbird Feeders from Freezing?

What Other food Do Hummingbirds Eat?

Hummingbirds get their protein through a diet of small insects and arthropods (spiders), including larvae and insect eggs.

However, they don’t eat mealworms.

You can buy small insects from a store. Or you can skip on insecticides in your yard, which is another great way for attracting hummingbirds.

This is because there will be plenty of bugs for them to eat.

Instead of buying insects online or from a market, an easy tip to provide lots of fruit flies for hummingbirds to eat is to take overripe fruit and place it outside.

The old and rotten fruit is naturally going to attract fruit flies, which will attract hummingbirds who are on the lookout for a meal.


Feeding birds is a fulfilling venture that connects us to nature in a unique way.

Their sustenance is one of the noblest hobbies a person could develop.

If you have hummingbirds living near your home, it is never too late to start feeding these beautiful wonders of nature.

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