Galah Bird – 23 Interesting Facts About It

True to Australia, the Galah birds belong to the Cockatoo family and are known for their attractive coloring.

Unlike other cockatoos, the Galah is known for its grey and pink colors and playful personality. It can be found almost everywhere in Australia.


Here’s a list of interesting facts about the Galah bird that you did not know.

Extremely Human Friendly

The Galah is known to be an interactive and extremely human-friendly bird. They are very responsive and always ready to indulge in play.

They also pick up on words very quickly and can imitate whatever you say with a little training.

Not only friendly but they are also known to be highly affectionate pets.

However, they do require lots of attention and playtime.

Their Name is a Slang

The word ‘Galah’ is a slang term in the native Australian language.

It means fool or a loud-mouthed fool. The bird was given this name because of its extremely loud voice and screeching calls.

However, the Galah is nowhere near a fool. These birds are said to be very intelligent creatures.

They quickly pick up on training and can learn several tricks and words if taught.

Can Live for Long (up to 72 years)

Galah cockatoos have been recorded to live up to 72 years in the wild when they follow a strict and healthy diet religiously.

However, it is unlikely that a Galah reaches more than 20 years of age in most cases.

They are usually either hunted by fellow predators or due to other agricultural activities.

Very Loud, All the Time

Wild Galah birds are known to be very loud; they create high-pitched while flying in flocks.

Their calls are referred to as loud screeches. A Galah also has the ability to imitate common sounds and even people’s voices and words!

Some say males are louder than females.

Distinguishable Gender through Eyes

Did you know that you can determine whether a Galah cockatoo is a male or a female by the color of its eyes? We didn’t either!

The male Galah has very dark brown, almost black colored irises, whereas the female Galah has red or a lighter brown irises.

According to research, young Galah cockatoos will tend to have duller colored ires compared to fully mature Galahs.

High Maintenance Pets

If you’re planning to get a Galah as a pet bird, you might want to rethink the idea fully.

Galahs can be very high maintenance as pets. While they are friendly and affectionate, they also require a large amount of attention most of the time.

Not only do Galahs need attention, but they also need to indulge in an approved amount of exercise or play to keep them happy and healthy.

Lastly, they require a good amount of space. They are not exactly considered large birds by size, but they need a 5-foot large cage to feel comfortable.

So, if you are short on time or not in for a long-term commitment, you should reconsider your plan.

Obesity Runs in the Family

A very common issue with most Galahs is obesity. They’re normally unlikely to develop any other aviation diseases.

However, most Galahs are diagnosed with obesity. This is usually a result of little to no activity and a very loaded diet.

Strictly Herbivores

The Galah cockatoo is a completely herbivorous bird. Their diet consists of grass, leaves, flowers, seeds, etc.

Even as pets, Galahs require a balanced diet. It is recommended to feed them pellets, fruits, and vegetables.

Galahs birds love their fruits and vegetables. You can also reward them with walnuts, almonds, etc., as treats.

Abnormally Strong Beaks

Galah cockatoos, or almost all cockatoos, are known to have extremely strong beaks, which usually come in handy while cracking open a walnut.

If you’re planning on keeping a pet cockatoo, you might want to Galah-proof your home.

It is imperative to provide them with safe toys to chew on so they can exercise their jaw muscles.

Always in a Crowd

Galah birds have large families and are always seen hanging out together or flying in huge flocks.

Watching their pink chests shining in the sunlight is a mesmerizing sight for all eyes.

Moreover, it has been recorded that up to 1000 Galah birds can stay together in one flock! We ought to get some family value training from them.

Gymnasts in Disguise

Galahs fall in the category of fast birds. They can fly at a speed of 70 km/h!

Along with being fast, Galahs are also extremely acrobatic and flexible.

You can see them hanging upside down from branches, spinning around, ducking through branches at high speed.

They truly are aerial performance experts.

Eolophus Roseicapillus

The scientific name for Galah cockatoos is Eolophus roseicapillus. This contains three subspecies within it.

Each varies in size and coloration and belongs to different parts of Australia.

Such as the Eolophus roseicapillus albicepts is said to belong to the South Eastern side. E. r. roseicapilla to the Western, and E. r. khuli to the Northern.

Perfect Families

As covered, Galahs are fairly affectionate birds which also means that they make very loving families.

The Galah pair divides and shares nesting duties. The babies end up staying with the parents for months or even years!

Galah pairs follow monogamy and stay together forever. The males serenade the females through a variety of chirps and screeches, after which they mate for life.

No Proper Nesting

Female Galah cockatoos do not usually prepare proper nests for their hatchlings.

They tend to form nests in open areas or hollows within the trees.

Springtime is usually when they begin preparing their nests and renovating accordingly.

Great for Agricultural Purposes

Since Galah birds mostly eat seeds, they are often found eating on the ground on grass fields.

Sometimes, they may also eat seeds from several shrubs and trees.

This way, the Galah helps tremendously in seed dispersal as they pick up seeds from many locations and drop them off at various places, either half-eaten or fully intact.

Well Adapted to the Heat

We are all aware of Australia’s extremely hot and arid climate.

However, Galahs are well adapted to inland Australia’s weather.

They can easily tolerate high temperatures and can also go through long periods of dehydration.

To rehydrate themselves, Galahs can also survive on saltwater.

Susceptible to Human Attacks

Even though the Galah birds are beautiful creatures, they may not be safe from some humans in certain areas of Australia.

They are a widespread species with a rising population and no risk of extinction.

This explains the reason why Galahs are overly populated throughout Australia.

Introduction in Tasmania

The Galah cockatoos, at first, were only native to Australia, but research has found that they have now been sighted in Tasmania as well.

It is still unclear how they got there, but they seem to have been introduced into the location.

Cross Breeding is Possible

While Galah birds tend to stay monogamous and stick to one partner for their entire life.

However, the partner does not necessarily need to be of the same breed.

It has been reported that Galahs may sometimes mate with cockatoos belonging to an entirely different breed.

Regardless of breed, the pair then looks after their hatchlings together.

Prey to Fox

One may think, who would want to hurt such beautiful creatures? Sadly, that is not the case as red foxes hunt and kill Galah cockatoos.

The food cycle is a never-ending chain, and for any one to survive, it must prevail. On the brighter side, humans are of no threat to the Galah bird.

If anything, the expanding population has provided the birds with more food sources.

Not Good for Allergies

If you are someone prone to allergies, you may want to rethink being near a Galah bird or keeping one as a pet.

Galah birds tend to have a powdery down which could aggravate allergies.

Powdery down is known as the layer of feathers under the tougher outer layer of feathers.

These feathers may cause your allergies to worsen. So, better safe than sorry.

Victim to Breeding

Due to the Galah bird’s exotic appearance and attractive aura, many of these poor creatures fall victim to breeders.

Often, people fail to realize the responsibility of taking on such a bird, and they cause demands for them to spike.

Due to this, breeding increases, creating a rapid rise in the population of Galah cockatoos within Australia.  

This further causes various issues due to overpopulation and overbreeding of birds.

New Population on the Rise

In recent research, it has come forward that the already humungous population of Galah birds is still on the rise within Australia.

There is also speculation that there may be an introduction of the species within New Zealand, quite similar to what happened with Tasmania.

Final Words

All in all, Galah cockatoos are a mesmerizing species of birds. Their brightly colored breasts and shiny crowns leave everyone in awe.

From friendliness to balancing between smart and goofy personality traits feeles  like they have got it all figured out.

In this article, we mentioned some amazing and interesting facts about the Galah bird.

We hope that you thoroughly enjoyed this Galah tour.

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