Different Types of Beaks of Birds

All birds stand out in one way or another. More often than not, their beaks manage to catch our attention.

You don’t have to an ornithologist or a bird-watcher to appreciate these beautiful creatures.

You may have noticed that different birds have different beaks. This is because they live in different regions and habitats.

They also have varied dietary needs, which is why birds that follow a similar diet tend to share a characteristic beak.

Beaks are essential to all birds and are telling of the kind of food they eat, their behavior, and their ability to adapt.

What Is a Beak?

Biology defines a beak as a kind of mouth where the jaw is encased in keratin, and contains no teeth.

Keratin is a kind of protein that is also found in human nails, hair, and skin.

Beaks bear a strong association with birds, but other animals such as turtles and squids also have them.

Types of Beaks of Birds

If you are under the assumption that different beaks serve different functions, you wouldn’t be wrong.

Before we learn about the kinds of beaks there are, we need to understand that beaks can be divided into two broad categories: generalist and specialist.

Generalist Beaks

Birds with generalist beaks employ a variety of techniques to gather food. Their beaks are suited to eat different kinds of food.

Generalist Beaks Sparrow beak
House Sparrow

Their beaks do not have a particular shape. They are not very long, nor are they too short, and they don’t have a special tip serving a special function.

These birds are also more resilient, seeing as they are able to eat anything. They adapt very well to the environment they’re in and make do with whatever food they can find.

Here are some examples of birds that have generalist beaks:

  • House sparrow
  • Common grackle
  • American robin
  • American crow
  • Northern mockingbird

Specialist Beaks

Specialist beaks, on the other hand, allow birds to perform a specific function.

This function might not just be limited to eating, and can also pertain to building nests and procreating.

Birds with specialist beaks have a very limited diet. Decades of evolution have granted them the beak and skills they need to catch prey.

As you might have guessed, birds with specialist beaks can be categorized according to what they eat.

Let’s now discuss the different birds and beaks within this category.

Carnivorous Birds

These are birds that feed on vertebrates. All birds of prey come under this category.

Falcon beak

Their beaks are strong with a pronounced hook, and are fixed to the skull. When closed, the upper part of the beak covers the lower part.

The beaks are designed so that they are instrumental in ripping apart flesh. Falcons, vultures, and eagles all use their beaks in the same way.

Frugivorous Birds

These birds love fruit and also eat seeds. Their special beaks help them puncture fruit, open it, and access the pulp and/or seeds inside.

Parakeet beak

Frugivorous birds have curved beaks that are somewhat short. Their beaks feature a special tip that helps them extract the edible portion found in seeds.

As for the lower part of their beaks, it is sharp and flat. This is perfect for when they come across fruits that are harder and tougher.

Interestingly, out of all the birds, frugivorous birds are the only ones to be able to move the upper part of their beaks without using the lower part. This means they can use more pressure to split seeds or fruit.

Birds in this category include c, parrots, macaws, and cockatoos.

Insectivorous Birds

As you can probably guess, these birds feed on insects.

If a bird is hunting while flying, its beak is open to trap prey. Such birds have beaks that are flat, wide, and short.

Swallows beak
Swallow Bird

This allows them a greater surface area to catch insects. Swallows, nighthawks, and swifts come under this category.

Insectivorous birds that prefer to hunt crawling insects and bugs on the ground have straight, short, thin beaks that are almost like tweezers.

They are able to pick out insects that are small and move quickly. Hoopoes, American robins, and woodpeckers come under this category.

Beaks for Drilling

Speaking of woodpeckers, their beaks are built to endure repetitive hammering.

woodpecker beak

If you’ve often wondered why woodpeckers don’t get headaches, it’s because their skulls are such that they protect the brain.

All that boring and drilling does not cause any concussions whatsoever.

Granivorous Birds

The diet of granivorous birds consists of seeds.

Cardinal Bird

Their beaks are interesting in that they have a conical form, and are short. This helps them break apart seeds no matter how tough or hard they are.

Canaries, grosbeaks, finches, and cardinals are types of granivorous birds.

Piscivorous Birds

These birds dive into bodies of water to catch fish. Their beaks feature a curved tip, and are quite strong and large.

seagull beak
Seagull Beak

They are also lined with serrations, which helps keep their prey in their mouth.

Albatrosses and seagulls are both piscivorous birds.

Wading Birds

Storks and spoonbills are examples of this kind of bird. Waterfowl generally have longer beaks with no particular shape.

Stork beak
Stork beak

Called spatulate beaks, they help wading birds pull out prey such as small animals and mollusks from marshes and ponds, while making sure the bird does not have to dive in.

Nectarivorous Birds

Birds such as hummingbirds belong to this category. They feed on the nectar of flowers. Their long, thin beaks make for easy insertion.

hummingbird beak
Hummingbird beak

Not all nectarivorous birds feed on the same flowers. Owing to this, their beaks have different shapes.

Talking about hummingbirds, for instance, some species feed on flowers that cannot be accessed by other fauna.

Other examples of nectarivorous birds include the buff-tailed coronet and red-throated sunbird.

Filter Feeding Birds

Known by their flat and wide beaks, these birds are adept at gathering food from riverbeds and ponds.

Flamingo Beak

Flamingos, ducks, and swans are all great examples of filter-feeding birds.

They have nifty beaks in that they are designed to filter out water and hence separate the organisms that these birds ultimately eat.

Bizarre Beaks

Aside from the beaks discussed above, there are some that transcend these categories.

There are more than a few birds that have unique beaks made for ultra-specific functions.

New Zealand Plover

Did you know this is the only bird with the ability to shift its beak to either side?

It does so in order to catch flies.

New Zealand Plover beak
New Zealand Plover beak

Recurve-Billed Bushbird

This bird’s beak curves in an upward direction.

This allows it to trap prey that is small in size.

Black Skimmer

This fascinating bird is the only one with a beak where the lower part is actually longer than the upper part.

Black Skimmer beak
Black Simmer Beak

Given this design, black skimmers can catch fish while immersing their beak in water. Doing so helps them effectively fish out prey.


Curlews are an interesting sight. Their beaks are longer than their bodies!

Curlew Beak
Curlew Beak


You might think toucans’ beaks are just beautiful to look at, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Toucans have multifunctional beaks.

Toucan Beak
Toucan Beak

They use them to gather fruit and peel off its skin, no matter how thick.

They also use their beaks to intimidate predators, defend their territory, and attract partners for mating.

What’s truly amazing, however, is that their beaks play an integral role in controlling their body temperature.

Also read: Toucan Habitats – All You Need To Know

Red Crossbill

This bird has a beak with a rather strange tip, but it actually serves an interesting purpose.

Red Crossbill Beak

This beak is what helps the red crossbill extract seeds from pinecones.


These birds have scaly beaks.

Shoebill Beak
Shoebill Beak

They are able to crush pretty much everything…even small invertebrates.

Rhinoceros Hornbill

Their beaks feature a bump through which they can amplify sounds.

Rhinoceros Hornbill Beak
Rhinoceros Hornbill Beak


Their colorful beaks help them when it comes to mating.

Puffin Beak
Puffin Beak

Male puffins flaunt their beautiful beaks to attract females.

Also read: 10 Interesting Facts About Bird Feathers

Miscellaneous Fun Facts About Beaks

Haven’t had enough of beaks just yet?

Here are some more fun facts!

Beaks and Bills: What’s the Difference?

Both these terms are correct when referring to birds’ mouths.

That said, however, most people tend to use the word beak to describe sharper beaks that are more needle-like in appearance.

The word bill is reserved for beaks that are flat, soft, and somewhat rounded.

Do Beaks Function As a Nose?

There are numerous species of birds with nostrils on the beak.

In this case, because beaks are used for both eating and smelling, the term nose would be limiting and incorrect.

Do Other Animals Have Beaks?

Yes! Even though birds seem to enjoy an exclusive relationship with beaks, there are other animals that also have them.

They might look different from birds’ beaks, but turtles, platypus, octopi, and even proboscis insects have beaks.

Also read: Can a Bird’s Beak Grow Back? 


Nature is brimming with amazing animals. When it comes to birds, each one is more awe-inspiring than the next.

The sheer variety of beaks found across multiple species of birds is mind-blowing.

Even though this article talks about some of the most unique birds and beaks in the world, you can be sure there are plenty more out there.

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